Well got some news now!! We had transfers and they sent me away, another town about an hour away from santa cruz called montero!! And to top it off, im training again, number three, im district leader again, number three and we are opening a new area so first things first we don’t know anyone or anything and so the ward is really helping us out a lot its awesome and we had two baptisms Saturday, a girl named Roxana and her 8 year old boy, it was kinda nice to arrive here and three days later have a baptism!! And as far as gabriella goes, I hope she got baptized, I left the day before her baptism so I didn{t get to see her!!! Dang!! And the other girl named micaela was progressing a lot, we taught her and put a baptismal date for the 30 of july and she totally accepted!! And when me and my new comp got here in montero, all we can do is knock doors because we don’t know anyone, we found a woman named sulma the next day we got here and put a baptisimal date for the 6 of august and she accepted and she went to church so we are having a lot of success, the lord had been guiding us to the prepared people!! I{ve been praying a lot so the lord can help me!! Its crazy!! Well i{m glad you got the letter and I will be looking for the package!! Next p day is my b day, so i{ll be twenty the next time I write you!! Whattttttttt!!!!!!!! But the area here seems pretty beautiful, i{m living with another elder olsen from my group its pretty sweet!! My comp is elder villalobos from peru and wants to work so that’s just what were going to do!!!sounds like things are going great for you all and I hope the best for you and pray always for each and every one of you]!!!! sounds like the family reunion was great, wish i could have gone!! but tell everyone hello for me and that i miss them!! and yes mother i love reading now!! i take it back when i said it was a waste of time because it turns out i can never find enought time to read the book of mormon!!!! love you mom
love elder olsen
Elder Brady Olsen's Mission Blog Brady will be serving a LDS Mission in the Bolivia, Santa Cruz Mission! Letters and pictures and updates will be displayed here on this blog for family and friends!

Monday, July 18, 2011
July 10, 2011
hello mother!
well this week was a frustrating one, remember gabriella who had a baptismal date for saturday, yeah she ended up going to her aunts house during the weekend and my comp and i told her that if she goes she´s not going to go to her baptism, her aunt is going to hold her and not let her go and sure enough thats what happened!! it completely sucked!! but she´s going to het baptised this saturday because she is going to be here! but hey about an hour before the baptism we were contacting people and we found this one girl and talked to her for a little bit outside her fence, she told us her dad is hardcore evangelico and so we taught her with authority as usual and said hey go tell your dad that in order to have the true church there has to be prophets and apostoles like it says in efesians 2:20 so she went and told him and she actually stood up for us and he tried telling her that that was in the old time and its not like that anymore! but it was cool because she was siding with us then we said, hey go get changed and come to a baptism, we´ll wait for you right here, she said no, go and i´ll catch up and sure enough while we were at the baptism of other elders she showed up and said she liked it!! so now were working with her so she can get dunked!! well in 2 days we have transfers, dont know whats gonna happen, if i stay or if i go! who knows but the weather here is crazy, one day its cold the other its super hot and it never snows but it does rain, not very often but it does, last week was freezing and this week has been smoking hotttttt!!! kinda weird! but time is flying mother, i have completed 10 months and in 7 weeks i will complete a year!! then its all downhill from there!!! tell everyone hi for me and i´ll be looking for the package!! gracias por todo!!
love you mom, just read the book of mormon everyday and you will be fine, and your knowledge will increase like crazy!!! love you
love elder olsen
well this week was a frustrating one, remember gabriella who had a baptismal date for saturday, yeah she ended up going to her aunts house during the weekend and my comp and i told her that if she goes she´s not going to go to her baptism, her aunt is going to hold her and not let her go and sure enough thats what happened!! it completely sucked!! but she´s going to het baptised this saturday because she is going to be here! but hey about an hour before the baptism we were contacting people and we found this one girl and talked to her for a little bit outside her fence, she told us her dad is hardcore evangelico and so we taught her with authority as usual and said hey go tell your dad that in order to have the true church there has to be prophets and apostoles like it says in efesians 2:20 so she went and told him and she actually stood up for us and he tried telling her that that was in the old time and its not like that anymore! but it was cool because she was siding with us then we said, hey go get changed and come to a baptism, we´ll wait for you right here, she said no, go and i´ll catch up and sure enough while we were at the baptism of other elders she showed up and said she liked it!! so now were working with her so she can get dunked!! well in 2 days we have transfers, dont know whats gonna happen, if i stay or if i go! who knows but the weather here is crazy, one day its cold the other its super hot and it never snows but it does rain, not very often but it does, last week was freezing and this week has been smoking hotttttt!!! kinda weird! but time is flying mother, i have completed 10 months and in 7 weeks i will complete a year!! then its all downhill from there!!! tell everyone hi for me and i´ll be looking for the package!! gracias por todo!!
love you mom, just read the book of mormon everyday and you will be fine, and your knowledge will increase like crazy!!! love you
love elder olsen
July 4, 2011
Hola familia!!
I dont know why there are periods after every Word but oh well!1 this week was awesome, but really really cold!!! We have one investigator whos name is Gabriela and she is19 years old and is going to get baptized this Saturday!! Its kinda weird how we found her, we found one investigator named danise and she was progressing very well then she brought gabriella to church with her so we decided to put a baptisimal date for her also and she accepted and now it turns out that danise isn´t going to get baptized because her family is telling her a lot of things but gabriella is, so imagine if we never contacted danise, we never would have found gabriella, its weird how the lord works through other people!! Well its super cold here, its winter and its windy and wowsers!!! Supposedly for a month or so!! So guess what, I completed 10 months in the mission, how fast the time sure does fly!! My companion and I are working hard and finding new people because we only have one more week left in the transfer!! dude mother send me a chocolate chip cookie recipe because i want to make some really really bad!!!! and as far as garments go, yes i do need some more, but not thermals because i have plenty of warm clothes and the coldness only lasts for a little bit, by the end of july it´ll already pass by!! and sour patch kids of coarse!! but hey for real type me up some recipes of choco chip cookis, brownies, rice crispie treats, all sorts of goodies and send to me this next week, because our place where we eat is a member and she has an oven and she can make whatever!!! but garments would be nice i think i´m size 32! and some more fotos!!! so i can see how the fam is doing!!! well i´m studying in mosiah and its super skizz!!! alma the younger and the sons of mosiah we wicked but an angel appeared to them and they repented and became amazing missionaries!! repentance sure does work!! love you all take care and enjoy the heat
love elder olsen
I dont know why there are periods after every Word but oh well!1 this week was awesome, but really really cold!!! We have one investigator whos name is Gabriela and she is19 years old and is going to get baptized this Saturday!! Its kinda weird how we found her, we found one investigator named danise and she was progressing very well then she brought gabriella to church with her so we decided to put a baptisimal date for her also and she accepted and now it turns out that danise isn´t going to get baptized because her family is telling her a lot of things but gabriella is, so imagine if we never contacted danise, we never would have found gabriella, its weird how the lord works through other people!! Well its super cold here, its winter and its windy and wowsers!!! Supposedly for a month or so!! So guess what, I completed 10 months in the mission, how fast the time sure does fly!! My companion and I are working hard and finding new people because we only have one more week left in the transfer!! dude mother send me a chocolate chip cookie recipe because i want to make some really really bad!!!! and as far as garments go, yes i do need some more, but not thermals because i have plenty of warm clothes and the coldness only lasts for a little bit, by the end of july it´ll already pass by!! and sour patch kids of coarse!! but hey for real type me up some recipes of choco chip cookis, brownies, rice crispie treats, all sorts of goodies and send to me this next week, because our place where we eat is a member and she has an oven and she can make whatever!!! but garments would be nice i think i´m size 32! and some more fotos!!! so i can see how the fam is doing!!! well i´m studying in mosiah and its super skizz!!! alma the younger and the sons of mosiah we wicked but an angel appeared to them and they repented and became amazing missionaries!! repentance sure does work!! love you all take care and enjoy the heat
love elder olsen
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