whats up how are things going!!! and yes HAPPY BIRTHDAY KESSLEY! she´s old now and she´s turning into a girl!! ´but sounds like the angel food cake wants me to eat it!!! save me a piece for when i get home!!! so yes i´m eating and taking care of myself, i just dont want to because its the same everyday and it gets really really old!!! yay for rice!!!this week was alright, our investigators didnt come to chruch so they lost their baptisimal date which sucks!! but with my companion we pretty much just started over looking for new people and we found a cousin of some members who sounds like she is relly interested and wants to get baptised!!! there are alot of drunk people here!! last night we were waiting for micro, like a bus type deal and thees drunk people came out of the bar, a guy and a few girls and they started yelling and arguing and the girl hit the guy and he fell down, he got up, she hit him again and he fell down then he got up and they both just went at it!! she kicked him in the goodies and punched him in the face then he started hitting her and punching her and it got pretty vicious, i wanted to go stop him from hitting her but i´m a missionry and i cant!! but then they stopped and went back into the bar!!! crazy
well we still dont have a bishop, the stake presidency is going to preside until we have one so we´ll just wait and see!!!i miss you all, i´m glad you got my letter and i´m waiting for the package!!!!!!!!!! i love you all
love elder olsen
Elder Brady Olsen's Mission Blog Brady will be serving a LDS Mission in the Bolivia, Santa Cruz Mission! Letters and pictures and updates will be displayed here on this blog for family and friends!

Monday, May 23, 2011
Monday, May 2, 2011
May 2, 2011
May 2, 2011
hey hey hey mother and fam!! como estan!!
things are going great here in bolivia!! so santa cruz is like a state and beni is another one, riberalta is in beni and la merced where i´m at now is in santa cruz! my mission includes santa cruz, beni, and a little bit of tarija!! this week went good, we put a baptisimal date on two people and they both accepted for the 21 of may!! one of them is ervin and he´s 18 years old!! yesterday he came to church with us and liked it!! our ward is falling apart, there isn´t a bishop and the members are wicked!! i´m not sure what happaned but nobody wants the bishop so the 1st councelor is the guy that runs the church, so as for now there in process of finding a new one. sounds like the weather there is changing into summer and here in santa cruz the opposite, its getting to be winter and its getting quite cold actually, we had to wear our suits and long sleeves, cold! so the mission home is where you send everything, no matter where i am at you send it there and when they get it, they send it to me wherever i´m at!! sound good?? so hows the fam doing, today i am sending letters to you guys so be looking for it! hows all the aunts and uncles and cousins? one thing that always always helps us realize how much of a "nothingness" we actually are to make us humble ourselves and realize that christ had is much much worse is learning about the thing thats the most important... the atonement of jesus christ!! alma 7 is quite good, and i suggest that you read all of alma because he does a good job of explaining about the importance of life, ressurrection, judgement, atonement and the life of christ!!! alma was a great missionary and prophet, so start now from chapter one and just read, however the end of alma just talks about war after war but its still great!!! sooooo guess what, IMPORTANT NEWS, this saturday i will be calling home for a pre-call to tell you when i´m going to call on sunday, mothers day!!! saturday i will be calling in the morning here at about 11 a.m. i think you guys are two or three hours behind but dont go anywhere saturday morning!! kapish?????? this saturday i will be calling for only five minutes to tell you that sunday were going to talk!! so saturday in the morning dont go anywhere!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! well i love you guys very much and we will be talking pronto
love elder olsen
hey hey hey mother and fam!! como estan!!
things are going great here in bolivia!! so santa cruz is like a state and beni is another one, riberalta is in beni and la merced where i´m at now is in santa cruz! my mission includes santa cruz, beni, and a little bit of tarija!! this week went good, we put a baptisimal date on two people and they both accepted for the 21 of may!! one of them is ervin and he´s 18 years old!! yesterday he came to church with us and liked it!! our ward is falling apart, there isn´t a bishop and the members are wicked!! i´m not sure what happaned but nobody wants the bishop so the 1st councelor is the guy that runs the church, so as for now there in process of finding a new one. sounds like the weather there is changing into summer and here in santa cruz the opposite, its getting to be winter and its getting quite cold actually, we had to wear our suits and long sleeves, cold! so the mission home is where you send everything, no matter where i am at you send it there and when they get it, they send it to me wherever i´m at!! sound good?? so hows the fam doing, today i am sending letters to you guys so be looking for it! hows all the aunts and uncles and cousins? one thing that always always helps us realize how much of a "nothingness" we actually are to make us humble ourselves and realize that christ had is much much worse is learning about the thing thats the most important... the atonement of jesus christ!! alma 7 is quite good, and i suggest that you read all of alma because he does a good job of explaining about the importance of life, ressurrection, judgement, atonement and the life of christ!!! alma was a great missionary and prophet, so start now from chapter one and just read, however the end of alma just talks about war after war but its still great!!! sooooo guess what, IMPORTANT NEWS, this saturday i will be calling home for a pre-call to tell you when i´m going to call on sunday, mothers day!!! saturday i will be calling in the morning here at about 11 a.m. i think you guys are two or three hours behind but dont go anywhere saturday morning!! kapish?????? this saturday i will be calling for only five minutes to tell you that sunday were going to talk!! so saturday in the morning dont go anywhere!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! well i love you guys very much and we will be talking pronto
love elder olsen
April 25, 2011
wow this week has been crazy. so we had transfers and yes, i got transfered out of riberalta to santa cruz, another little town farther out from the center and instead of red dirt its all sand, kinda weird but yes sand everywhere and horses everywhere, its a little bit bigger than riberalta but not much nicer, the people here are pretty much the same but its alot more dangerous here! so as of right now i´m just getting to know my area and the members here and everything. i´m the district leader so ive got alot to take care of but its all working out great. my comp is elder albino from bolivia, hes super cool and were working hard to get our goals. we also had a baptism saturday, a 17 year old girl named jimena, it was pretty sweet but i barely know her so now i´m getting to know things here better. nothing much has really happened this week other than the transfers and me getting to know the area, this next week will be a good one because we have already found a person and put a baptisimal date on him, however his grandma is already a member but hey, another baptism.! lifes good here, its hard but good, the lord blesses me very much as well as he does you guys, i´m glad to hear that bob is starting to work, its better than nothing! mom. i want peanut butter!! i want 50 bottles of jiff peanut butter! well next week i´ll have more for you! i love you guys, tell everyone hello and congrats to cameron!
love elder olsen
wow this week has been crazy. so we had transfers and yes, i got transfered out of riberalta to santa cruz, another little town farther out from the center and instead of red dirt its all sand, kinda weird but yes sand everywhere and horses everywhere, its a little bit bigger than riberalta but not much nicer, the people here are pretty much the same but its alot more dangerous here! so as of right now i´m just getting to know my area and the members here and everything. i´m the district leader so ive got alot to take care of but its all working out great. my comp is elder albino from bolivia, hes super cool and were working hard to get our goals. we also had a baptism saturday, a 17 year old girl named jimena, it was pretty sweet but i barely know her so now i´m getting to know things here better. nothing much has really happened this week other than the transfers and me getting to know the area, this next week will be a good one because we have already found a person and put a baptisimal date on him, however his grandma is already a member but hey, another baptism.! lifes good here, its hard but good, the lord blesses me very much as well as he does you guys, i´m glad to hear that bob is starting to work, its better than nothing! mom. i want peanut butter!! i want 50 bottles of jiff peanut butter! well next week i´ll have more for you! i love you guys, tell everyone hello and congrats to cameron!
love elder olsen
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